Tuition and Registration

 New Group Students 

     Keys for Kids group program has 2 semesters each year. 

The Fall semester starts in September and the Spring 

semesterstarts in February. 

 Registration is accepted year-round on a rolling basis.

 Continuing Group Students 

    To reserve space for the following semester, Keys for Kids

 group students re-enroll at the end of each semester for the 

following one.

Group Lessons Tuition per student (in groups of two):    

Enroll Now  download a Group Agreement/ Registration Form 

Individual Lessons: All levels are welcome. New individual students can start at any time. Registration is accepted year-round. Continuing students should re-enroll before the beginning of the school year to reserve a convenient lesson time.

Individual Lessons Tuition:

Enroll Now   download an Individual Agreement/Registration Form